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Malta Grieves the Collapse of The Game of Thrones Sea Arch

A couple of months ago, the world famous sea arch in Malta collapsed during a storm. Moments after it happened, Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat described the event as “heartbreaking” in a tweet.

The 50m Azure Window, located near Dwejra Bay in Gozo, was one of the Maltese Islands’ most distinctive sites. It attracted thousands of tourists every year.

You might not know its name or even where the sea arch is located, but there is a high chance that if you are a Game of thrones fan such as myself, you would recognize the commanding structure.  It served as backdrop for the wedding between Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen, during one of the  very popular episodes of HBO’s GOT.

Access Was Forbidden to the Sea Arch Due To It’s Degradation

Apparently, in recent years, concerns about the landmark had grown, and access had been forbidden there due to incidences of falling rocks (I mean, who wants a rock landing on their head). A three-month geological study published in 2013 concluded that erosion was inevitable at the site.

So, authorities and locals seemingly saw this coming. However, it doesn’t take away from the sadness that such a monumental landmark in Malta has fallen.

 “We are deeply saddened to lose such a magnificent landmark,” says Peter Vella, Director of the Malta Tourism Authority for the UK and Ireland.

Sad Responses to the Loss of the Azure Window

“The Azure Window was a spectacular site and a natural wonder. Although this is a very sad day for Malta & Gozo, Dwejra still has other great sites for tourists, such as the inland sea and the Fungus Rock.”

Today, photos appear to show that both the arch and its supporting stacks have been wiped off the map completely. It’s almost like it never even existed.

farewell to the iconic arch; you will forever remain etched in the heart of us Game of Thrones lovers.


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